Tips on how to trim your beard correctly and avoid mistakes
Sooner or later, some beard and moustache hairs will appear, ruining the shape that you liked so much and that the barber had achieved with so much care. And this may happen at the most inopportune moment, just when you have an important appointment to attend.
In that case, the best way to quickly fix your beard and achieve a more polished look is to learn how to trim it yourself. There are many different ways to do it. Below, we will tell you which are the most common and some basic tips on how to trim your beard correctly step by step so that it looks perfect in your daily life.
How to Trim Your Beard – Best Ways
If you are not very experienced or confident with scissors or a razor, we recommend that you read this article until the end. You will learn some very useful techniques and tips that will help you when trimming and shaping your beard at home , saving time and money.
Using scissors is a technique that seems very simple, but it still requires some practice. Moreover, if you do it calmly and carefully you will get better results. To do this you will only need a mirror, scissors and a comb.
First, wash your beard with shampoo. It is important that it is free of dirt and well moisturized before you start trimming. You can also use beard oil or other products that help you untangle it more easily. Don't forget to dry it well before you start trimming.
Secondly, brush your beard well. Combing your beard will help remove knots and tangles. Now you can start trimming. Use the comb to trim any hair that sticks out, it will serve as a guide and prevent you from over-trimming.
The electric razor is the most recommended technique for thick beards. First, wash and dry your beard well, since in this case it is not recommended to cut the beard when it is wet. Start with the sides, the neck and then continue towards the center and trim the moustache. You should pass the razor in the same direction as the growth of the facial hair.
We recommend that you set the trimmer setting to a higher number. This way, you can go over it again with a lower setting until you reach the desired length. Remember, it's best to trim your beard and moustache downwards .
How often to trim your beard
The timing of when you should trim your beard varies slightly from person to person, as it depends on the length of your beard and how you like to wear it . However, it should generally be done every month.
Other tips on how to trim your beard
Regardless of the technique you have used to trim your beard, it is important to keep in mind certain aspects that will make your job easier.
- When shaving, it is better to use products such as shaving gel instead of traditional foam, as this way you can see exactly where you should pass the razor or blade.
- If you need to remove your beard or make your neckline , lift your head and start at the bottom of your neck , stretching the skin
- If you have difficulty seeing the hairs that stick out, we recommend that you use a comb and a ruler to help you trim them. They are ideal for drawing the beard and moustache well and achieving professional shapes in all types of beards.
Don't forget to apply a lotion or other special beard care products after shaving to help moisturize and refresh your skin.