How to get rid of cellulite on your thighs: 9 habits that never fail

Cellulite is the number 1 enemy of millions of women around the world, especially the type of cellulite found on the thighs. That's why there are thousands and thousands of myths and miracle treatments that claim to eradicate it in record time. But despite what these remedies and beauty gurus promise... there are no miracles: you can't eliminate cellulite in a week . Eradicating it requires time, commitment and perseverance.

Today we bring you a series of habits that will help you, little by little, to get rid of saddlebags and cellulite . Do you want to know them? Well, let's get to it!

What is cellulite: habits to eliminate it

Cellulite is a more common aesthetic problem than you might think: it affects around 90% of women in the world . Men can also suffer from it, although to a lesser extent, since they have less connective tissue and less fat concentration in the hips and thighs, facts that reduce the probability of developing it.

It appears due to the alteration of circulation in the hypodermis (the thickest layer of the skin), so that the existing fat increases and presses on the connective tissue, forming small dimples that resemble the skin of an orange. There are various levels of cellulite, from the very localized and barely noticeable to the more accentuated and widespread.

It is usually caused by hormonal changes, excess fat, genetics, dehydration or an unhealthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a number of habits that can help eliminate it.

Orange peel skin and cellulite are not the same thing

  • Drink plenty of water : Water is the elixir of life par excellence. It helps us eliminate toxins and improves blood circulation, which causes cells to be much better oxygenated.
  • Reduce salt consumption : Excessive consumption of this ingredient leads to fluid retention, which worsens the degree of cellulite present in the thighs. Replace it with intense spices that provide flavour, such as turmeric, pepper or oregano.
  • Massage the cellulite area : Massages help activate blood circulation, one of the best remedies for preventing cellulite. They can be performed using various techniques and elements, such as dry skin brushing (keep reading and we'll show you how to do it).
  • Exercise : Exercise is essential to keep us healthy both inside and out. It helps eliminate cellulite because exercise increases fat loss, and you know that the less fat, the less cellulite!
  • Exfoliate your skin : Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and stimulate blood circulation. It is especially effective if you do it with a natural coffee scrub, which you can also make at home. You only need to mix 50 grams of ground coffee, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Once the mixture is made, apply it to your skin, massage and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat the process a couple of times a week.
  • Take care of your diet : Control your intake of saturated fats and high-calorie foods. The intermittent fasting diet can be good for you. Only then will you be able to truly eliminate cellulite from your thighs.
  • Showering with cold water : This is something that also helps to reactivate blood circulation. It is difficult, but you will see that it will be worth it!
  • Avoid spending too much time in the same position : If you remain in the same position for too long, your blood circulation slows down. Therefore, it is a good idea to move your legs or take short walks if you have to stand for long periods of time, and to get up and stretch your legs every hour if you have to sit.
  • Don't wear tight clothing or high heels all the time : These clothes make blood circulation worse. Occasionally, it's fine, but forget about dressing like this every day.

Exercises to eliminate saddlebags and cellulite

There are exercises, massages and aesthetic treatments that help prevent cellulite.

The following exercises are especially recommended for toning the skin around the saddlebags and thighs, which will make cellulite less and less present. Do them about three times a week and you will see how little by little you begin to notice the results.

Calf raises

Stand on a step with your heels sticking out, lift your ankles up to stand on your toes and hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly lower yourself until your heel is lower than the front of your foot. Do four sets of 10 repetitions.

Squats and lunges

These are the kings of leg exercises, as they tone your legs like no other. Doing them is very simple, as we already explained in our article on the best strength training at home .

The bridge

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips until they are aligned with your knees, as if you were trying to form a bridge with your body. Hold this position for a few seconds while squeezing your glutes. Lower yourself down and then come back up, repeating the movement about 15 or 20 times per set.

Jump rope

This is a very complete exercise that helps burn a lot of calories in a short time. Also, since the greatest impact is on the lower body, your legs and glutes will tone up without you even realizing it.

Massages and aesthetic treatments to eliminate cellulite

There are also many massages and beauty treatments that help reduce cellulite, as well as slimming and anti-cellulite creams . If you are looking for an effective and affordable option, we recommend Divain Care's anti-cellulite cream.

One of the best techniques is dry skin brushing , as it promotes blood circulation and reduces the presence of toxins and fluids. To do this, you simply have to get a natural fiber brush and gently massage the skin, focusing on the buttocks, legs and other areas invaded by cellulite.

However, if you prefer, you can go to a beauty centre where they will perform various treatments to eliminate it, such as mesotherapy (injection of small doses of homeopathic substances that dissolve excess fat and toxins); pressotherapy (air pressure on the skin that generates lymphatic drainage) or electrostimulation (application of small electric currents that contract the muscles in a controlled manner, thus exercising the most difficult areas).

As you can see, eliminating this great enemy is not impossible, all you need is perseverance, desire and good habits. You can do it!

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